
Building understanding of disability in the communities together.

Through voices from First Nations community members across Quebec, the Nisidotam website shares the stories and experiences of disability today. Nisidotam promotes an integrated model to help shape an inclusive approach to support services. All materials are aimed at creating environments that are conducive to building self-determination and awareness, as well as finding or providing necessary support.

These resources are created for, but not limited to:

  • Support professionals: employment and training counsellors, Income Security agents, adult education   teachers, and support staff;
  • People living in a situation of disability;
  • Allies and advocates: family, friends, employers, Band Councils.
Learn more about the logo

The turtle in our logo is inspired by the traditional story of ”Turtle Island,” shared by many First Nations.

The thirteen people represent the thirteen moons of the medicine wheel teachings.  They are holding hands to represent the importance of the shared understanding and community essential to well-being.

Like all people, people with disabilities need to be able to live in balance to experience wellness including the need to contribute and be included in their communities.

What does Nisidotam mean?

Nisidotam is an Algonquin word that means I understand. To understand what it means to live with a disability is an important step in the path toward inclusion. To reach this understanding, we must take the time to stop and listen, listen to people living with a disability, listen to their families, to support workers and employers, to learn from each other. 


 Through understanding, we will grow towards positive change. We need to remember that understanding is a path that continues. As we find answers, we will encounter new questions, that will challenge us while leading us to a deeper understanding. 


 Nisidotam, I understand is something I can say trusting that my understanding will continue to guide me towards the other with whom I will grow towards a greater inclusion. 

Reliable and Balanced Information About Disability 

As you read, watch videos, and engage with training tools, you will build upon your own experiences and knowledge of disability to become a stronger self-advocate or ally to those living in a situation of disability.


Video Learning Module: Understanding Disability

The following learning module is a summary of all the key components of an integrated definition of disability.  Augmented by traditional knowledge and set in a contemporary indigenous context, this learning module provides a relevant framework from which to build understanding.

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Difference of Opinion

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