About Us

The Nisidotam inclusion initiative is a project of the First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec (FNHRDCQ) and the Research Center for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities (CRISPESH).

Since 2018, the two organizations have been working together on an inclusion initiative to support First Nations people living in a situation of disability across the many Nations in Quebec.

Quick History

In 2017, First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec (FNHRDCQ) conducted an internal report and identified the need to increase awareness and provide training tools to its employment counsellors to guide their work supporting First Nations people with disabilities (FNPWD).  FNHRDCQ called upon the expertise of Cégep du Vieux Montréal (CVM) and its research center for the inclusion of persons living disabling situations (CRISPESH). Together, the partners worked together sharing their respective expertise on this social innovation project, which has had a direct, positive and constructive impact on FNHRDCQ and other stakeholders.

First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec


As one of the regional commissions of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL), the First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec (FNHRDCQ), on behalf of 27 First Nations communities, is responsible for administering the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program and the Urban ISET Program, which supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit people living in urban areas across Quebec. Through its 31 Employment and Training Service Centres (ETSCs), located in 27 First Nations communities and 4 cities (Montreal, Quebec City, Val-d’Or and Sept-Îles), the FNHRDCQ helps clients enter the labour market by offering various employment and training measures.

Research Center for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities


CRISPESH, Research Center for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities , is a college center for technology transfer (CCTT) in innovative social practices, born out of a partnership between the  Cégep du Vieux Montréal  and  Dawson College .

The Center was recognized in October 2010 by the Ministry of Education, Leisure and Sport (MELS), now the  Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

In July 2015, the Cégep du Vieux Montréal and Dawson College entrusted the management of CRISPESH to a non-profit organization of the same name created in order to carry out the Centre’s mandate.

CRISPESH is part of  Synchronex , a group of 59 CCTTs bringing together more than 1000 experts across Quebec who are dedicated to innovation through applied research and transfer.

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