
Explore our collection of resources on a host of topics related to gaining a holistic understanding of disability.  Engage with disability training tools to support online learning at an individual pace. Consult the Inclusive Employment and Training Services map, to find resources to help support client’s with disabilities.

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Resource Library

Explore our collection of resources on a host of topics related to disability.

Interactive Map of Services

Consult our Inclusive Employment and Training Services map, to find resources to help support client’s with disabilities.

Digital Training Simulations

Try interactive simulations of situations encountered by support professionals and people with disabilities as they search for employment and training opportunities.

Virtual Life Learning Tool

Increase awareness and understanding of the real-life stories and experiences of risk and resilience shared with us by people from the communities.

Video Learning Module

Watch for a summary of all the key components of an integrated definition of disability, augmented by traditional knowledge set in a contemporary indigenous context. 

Voices from the Communities

Watch our video interviews with people from the communities who share their stories. 

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Difference of Opinion

Emotionally Upsetting

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